
Metal Technology Co. Ltd.’s Managing Director wins Special Lifetime Achievement Award from the Particle Accelerator Society of Japan

MTC Powder Solutions (MTCPS) congratulates a member of the MTC group as Mr. Masao Tsuchiya, Managing Director at Metal Technical Co. Ltd. (MTC), has been awarded a Special Lifetime Achievement Award at the 16th Particle Accelerator Society of Japan Awards event. The award was given in recognition of the performance in Accelerator Vacuum Engineering and utilizing this technology in Social Development. Mr. Tsuchiya has been engaged in accelerator-related work for over 38 years and has been praised for contributing to the development of Japan’s accelerator technology in Japan from the commercial side. MTCPS is looking forward to collaborating and utilizing the vast technical knowledge and expertise that MTC possesses.

The Particle Accelerator Society of Japan is an authoritative academic organization with over 900 members. The organization is established with the aim of contributing to society through the advancement of accelerator science, accelerator technology, and other closely related sciences.

Mr. Tsuchiya established MTC’s advanced and specialized Engineering Division in 2010 which has continued to develop and prosper under Mr. Tsuchiya’s guidance within the MTC network. Delivery of numerous products to key customers such as; super KEKB, J-PARC, and SPring-8 has built up a strong reputation and track record based on experience and knowledge within the industry. Today we continue to develop custom-made systems and take on the challenge of “shaping the customer’s image.”

To know more about MTC’s Engineering division and our capabilities please visit the MTC web page: