
Exciting Progress at MTC Powder Solutions (MTC PS) New Factory

We are thrilled to share the latest update on our new factory as our team has been making tremendous progress and several milestones have been accomplished.

Our state-of-the-art facility is rapidly taking shape with several critical installations and infrastructure developments. The installation of key components, such as the cryogenic Argon tank, advanced cooling systems, and substantial power supply, are now in place. Additionally, the construction of essential structural elements, including the large pit for our substantial Hot Isostatic Press (HIP) and the main office area, is well underway.

These advancements represent significant strides towards our goal of enhancing our service capabilities. We are eagerly looking forward to the grand opening and are committed to providing top-tier services and innovative solutions with Powder Metallurgy Near Net Shape products (PM NNS HIP) for essential industries such as Civil Nuclear, Renewables, Chemical, Aerospace and Defence.


Stay tuned for more updates as we move closer to our grand opening!