MTC Powder Solutions (MTC PS), a part of Metal Technology Co. Ltd. (MTC), is pleased to provide an update on the progress of its cutting-edge production facility in Hallstahammar, Sweden. The new factory, named SHIN (進), which symbolizes progress in Japanese, has been steadily advancing since construction commenced in March 2023.
This ambitious project marks a significant milestone for MTC PS, representing a substantial expansion in capacity for NNS HIP components across Europe. The modern 9,000m² building being built will serve as a hub for innovation and excellence in manufacturing, catering to a diverse range of industries including Oil & Gas, Nuclear, and Aerospace.
Since its acquisition by MTC in 2020, MTC PS has been dedicated to driving innovation and growth. The new production site will house state-of-the-art equipment, including a Large cutting-edge HIP unit, to elevate manufacturing capabilities and meet the evolving needs of customers.
Stefan Grönhaug, Project Manager at MTC PS for the Shin project, provided an update on the project’s status recently, stating:
“The project is rapidly progressing according to schedule. The building structure is now over 50% completed, and the installation of five large overhead cranes is well underway. Additionally, all process equipment has been purchased and is undergoing manufacturing or already completed. This is a great achievement in itself and puts us firmly on target for our opening later this year. "

About MTC Powder Solutions AB:
MTC Powder Solutions AB is a leading provider of innovative manufacturing solutions, specializing in Powder Metallurgy Hot Isostatic Pressing (PM HIP), supplying critical components to industries worldwide.